Saturday, May 31


I just got done with Pine Cove orientation... I am so tired. I am sitting in Dairy Queen drinking a green tea frap and waiting for my laundry to dry.

This week has been really long, but really good. Towers has around 190 staff, almost twice as many as the other camps, so I feel like I don't know anyone... the first few days were rough since not only did I not know more than 100 of the staff, I felt like I had never seen more than half of them before even on Thursday... hah.

This week I have learned a few things... these are just a few from my journal:

* "This is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

"At the beginning of the day, let all distractions and empty talk be silenced and let the first thought and the first word belong to him whom our whole life belongs." -- Life Together, Dietrich Bonnhoeffer

* "Stop putting your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. How can they be of any help to anyone?" -- Isaiah 2:22

ok, all for now, more after Week 1! My laundry is done so I have to go get it...

lots of love.

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