This verse has always been a favorite. I want to use it in our wedding, and at first, I was against this idea because it seemed cliche... but then I realized, "Since when did God's Word become cliche?" This words are so practical and so beautiful at the same time. It has become an important verse to me and Nick as we have been learning what it means to not only love each other but love others too.
My first friend at Coram Deo Academy, the lovely Mollie, used to always quote a phrase that applied to the situation when we were in 7th and 8th grade. While Mollie had a huge influence on my life in many ways, this is definitely something I will never forget about her. We would be sitting at lunch, dealing with silly middle school drama, and she would say, "Oh, he is so aggravating... but love is not easily angered..." And we would move on. Or she would be telling me a story of her siblings (she has a lot), and instead of staying upset she would say, "But love is patient and kind..." Her example really encouraged me to do the same.
Love is patient: Another word for patient here is long suffering. It's so easy to be patient with someone when they aren't doing anything wrong. It's when they are hurtful, mean, or annoying that it gets hard. I think that word "long suffering" is perfect because it is a reminder that love is not always easy.
Love is kind: Matthew Henry says that this is another word for bountiful. Love is not only being patient with someone but actually actively overflowing with kindness. Someone who is kind is not just polite. He or she is eager to do good.
Love does not envy: I like the way Matthew Henry puts it in his commentary, so I will just quote him: "It is not grieved at the good of others; neither at their gifts nor at their good qualities, their honours not their estates. If we love our neighbour we shall be so far from envying his welfare... that we shall share in it and rejoice at it."
Love does not boast: When we love others, we lift them up, not ourselves. It is so easy to make life all about me, but if I am truly going to love like Jesus loves, then I will spend more time and more words building others up than making myself look good.
Well, that is all I have for now. I will post more when I finish them.
Today, I attended Watermark's Young Adult service. First, there were more people there than go to UBC. Second, I am in love with that church building. I don't think that's a very good reason to go to a church, if by itself, but oh my goodness. They also gave me a cookie and it was delicious.
To do list for tomorrow:
- Get my ring cleaned (still)
- Check my mail 300 times
- Clean out my closet
- Finish moving into my room